Find ready-made furniture desired style, color or size can be difficult. Fortunately, everything you need for your interior can be ordered in the workshop of Andrey Zharnitskiy. Cabinets, chests of drawers, cupboards, kitchens and dressing rooms, with millimeter precision appropriate to the dimensions of the room is to us. Our workshops produce any furniture according to original projects of the customer. And not just the furniture: from our processing facilities face unique doors, partitions, wall panels and even some wooden elements, which have not yet invented a name.
Studio Andrey Zharnitskiy produces furniture and interior details custom for many years. Designers from Moscow and the Moscow region are familiar with our level of quality. Now we know you send us your project right now using the form at the bottom of this page.
No matter how detailed your project: contact us with drawings, sketches, doodles, or a common vision — our designers and engineers will undertake a detailed study of the project, will help you choose the material, finish and accessories. We will turn your ideas into beautiful quality items that will serve a very long time.