A internet magazine interiors-thebest.ru published interview with Andrey Zharnitskiy, statelem furniture brand furniture AZ.
Author, author!
Company AZ studio — the rare case when both design and production are in one hand, and the creation of author's furniture is under the full control of its author — designer Andrey Zharnitskiy.
The initial capital, or what started Your occupation is industrial design? Childhood was invented nonsense. Then art education, a love of the subject and volume. And seriously began to study, after graduating from Senezh Studio is the Central training and experimental Studio of the Union of artists of the USSR.
Problem areas, or what is the most difficult in your work? To sell, not love. PR can not. All through the power. Collectible things, or how ideas are born and collections? The first is an image, such as blue ribbed chest is the impression from a random person in the textured coat. Second — elements. Came up with what will be a corner — there was a theme. The third is functional tasks. For example, dresser-Bureau in three tiers — practical, easy, unusual and there is the possibility of transformation. Task put yourself and doing for yourself is understanding the purpose of each block.
High-scoring game, or that You think their achievements at the moment? Serious high-tech production, hence the independence in every sense. A planned economy, or what you would like to achieve in ten years? Become a trendsetter in furniture design Russia.